Software developer and Data scientist based in Paris. I write about data science, AI, software programming, tools, frameworks, and more.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is critical for effective treatment and care. The BrainSight project demonstrated the power of deep learning and MRI imaging in predicting Alzheimer’s disease. The CNN model achieved high sensitivity and specificity, indicating its potential as a diagnostic tool for early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.
Figure 1: Model evaluation
If you’re curious about what it takes to get a second date, look no further than the speed dating dataset on Kaggle. In this article, we’ll analyze the data to identify the factors that contribute to getting a second date, including physical attractiveness, shared interests, and more. By exploring the impact of various factors on dating success, we’ll provide insights that can help individuals improve their chances of finding love.
Figure 1: Is it important to belong to the same human race
Figure 2: What Are Participants Looking For in Their Matches
Figure 3: What are the attributes that matter in the final decision
The growth of ride-sharing services like Uber has revolutionized the transportation industry. Uber drivers face a challenge of deciding the best locations to be in at different times of the day to maximize their profits. This project aims to use clustering techniques to analyze pickup data and recommend optimal zones for Uber drivers at different times of the day.
Figure 1: Hot-zones per hour and per day of week
A selection of smaller projects demonstrating specific programming, data science and ML skills.